
GDPR & your privacy.

Your privacy as a member is important to us. Recently, rules surrounding privacy have changed, so we have created this manifest for you to read and accept.

It is not possible for you to be classed as an authentic member of the DCA unless you accept the terms, that includes but is not limited to the GDPR statement below.

Please read the privacy policy here.

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
ICE Datacenter Unit
Björkskataleden 112

973 47



+46 70 624 29 59


[email protected]



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ICE — The leading data center research facility in Europe

ICE Data center (Infrastructure and Cloud research & test Environment) is a testbed focusing on digitalization and IT infrastructure. The center coordinates national research projects as well as the testing and development of all features in the technology stack; the infrastructure and building of data centers, edge and cloud applications, IT architecture and machine learning. ICE mission is to put Sweden at the forefront in the area of effective data center solutions, edge computing, cloud applications and data analysis.